Awe & wonder

drawing light
from another world—
the Milky W

Yatsuka Ishihara


There’s a natural mystic blowin’
through the air.

Bob Marley


Life is a mystery.



And it makes me wonder.

Led Zeppelin


Because the wind is high
it blows my mind.



Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.

Mary Oliver


Incredible things
are happening
in the wor

(via Iron & Wine)


The world is its own magic.

—D.T. Suzuki


What is this lovely world,
and who am I?

Marjorie Knapp

Starling murmuration

Poem: Where Does the Temple Begin, Where Does It End?

Poem: August 12 in the Nebraska Sand Hills Watching the Perseids Meteor Shower

Poem: The Summer Day

Poem: The Fish

Poem: Aimless Love

Poem: Why I’m in Awe of the Spiral

Poem: Night Dive

Poem: Night Dive

Poem: Gate C22


Northern lights timelapse

Mariana trench

Whale song

23 seconds of wonder

San Diego fireworks malfunction/all-at-once

American Beauty plastic bag scene


How turtle shells evolved

The quiet profundity of everyday awe

The ‘small self’ effect

How a bit of awe can improve your health

The science of awe

Awe-inspiring experiences change our perception of time

Make time for awe

Awe isn't necessarily good for you

Awesomeness Is everything

From ocean depths to deep space, marvel at awe-inspiring views of Earth

Borges: Collected Fictions

Invisible Cities


Einstein’s Dreams

The Famished Road

Why we should all be gazing at more sunsets

What it would take to see the world completely differently

An actually magical convention

5 stories to fill you with wonder

Virtual reality reminds users what it's like to be themselves

Finding wonder in the World Book Encyclopedia

The wonder reader

The art that illustrates another realilty

The sense of wonder

On “feeling shinto”

Poem: Love