Whose woods these are
I think I know
His house is in the village though
He will not see me stopping here
to watch his woods
fill up with snow
―Robert Frost
The sky, tired of light, has given everything to the snow.
—Robert Walser
The snow did not even whisper its way to earth, but seemed to salt the night with silence.
—Dean Koontz
Sometimes I would like to be a child again, and other times a woman made of snow.
—Deirdre Sullivan
Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice.
—Alice Childress
Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.
—Vesta Kelly
We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.
—Marie Beynon Lyons Ray
Do you want to build a snowman?
—Anna of Arendelle
Let it snow,
let it snow,
let it snow.
—Sammy Cahn
Poem: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Poem: Snowy Owl Near Ocean Shores
Poem: Dream in Which My Body Is a Snow Storm
Poem: Snow Becoming Light by Morning
Poem: Lester Tells of Wanda and the Big Snow
Poem: Unlike objects, two stories can occupy the same space