
Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite. Furthermore, always carry a small snake.

—W. C. Fields


The big fat garter snake
emerged from the gas-stove burner
where she had coiled around
the pilot light for warmth
on a cold nig


The fat snake’s gone this year.
She’s been transplanted to a place
she won’t hear my startled yelp
when she emerges from the stove top.


Coming home from the tavern—
I see the pile of dirty clothes
on the cabin floor move.
Doglike, the snake is getting comfortable.

Braided Creek


I'm shedding skin,
changing within.


I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor

Poem: Carrying the Snake to the Garden

Poem: Snake

Poem: Snakes

Poem: Snakeskin

Poem: Snakeskin

Poem: Snakes in Winter

Poem: Water Snake

Poem: Black Snakes

Poem: The Instant

Poem: May

Poem: A Frozen Stream

Poem: [O'Keeffe talked of Macchu Picchu]

Poem: To the Snake

Poem: The Forest

Poem: Pilot Snake

Poem: In the Past

9 things you didn’t know about snakes

Snakes are solar-powered

Sea snake

Flying snake

Super snakes


Medusa gets a bad rap

Snake Eyes
